Friday, August 05, 2011

Writing Wisely?

After a hectic week of family and vacation, here I am again.


In my deeply missed absence (snicker), I have been considering some priorities and some problems that go with this.

I am trying to become a writer. Some would say I am a writer, as I have maintained this blog on a fairly regular schedule for five years now. I am not sure about the designation, but maybe I'll get there someday.

I'm also working a full-time job, trying to take care of my wife and four kids, and be a leader at church. In addition, I am also coaching soccer, keeping the house from being overrun by weeds, and avoiding stepping on two cats.

It leaves precious little time to write, and I struggle with the balance, as I know a gazillion other people out there do (I'm not trying to complain to gain sympathy, it's just the facts, ma'am.)

I wonder sometimes if I should take the time I use in writing this blog and put it toward my main project. On the other hand, the writing gurus out there recommend having a "brand" or "platform" to help you get published. So if I abandon the blog, what happens to my platform, such as it is?

So in the irony of the internet age, I am writing a blog post to ask if it is better to divide time and continue blogging, or should I back off here to put more time into "productive" writing? I would also "ask" if I use "quotations" "excessively," but I suspect I know "the" answer to that one.

Any thoughts, internet peeps? To blog or not to blog, that is the question?


  1. Writers today probably can't get by without blogging. It's a great way of connecting with your readers without letting them know where you live.

    And it's a way to get your quotation mark fixation out of your system without doing truly scary things to your novel.

  2. Priorities for family guys are tough to establish. Jason, blog posts can be written well in advance, set to post on a once or twice a week scale in order not to lose those who've come to expect them and visit regularly. You need them for more than one reason. They're more than likely related in some way to your writing and understand the infrequency of posting, etc., and the demands of finding a time to write. They can commiserate and offer their thoughts, hopes, suggestions. Is your family able to grant you a time for writing? Doesn't have to be hours, but maybe a half hour/hour here and there? Just something you can use to get back to the regimen and/or discipline of writing that novel. Don't abandon the blog, but maybe do several posts in advance, and then use the next time allotment for the novel . . .

  3. I'd suggest a once or twice a week blog, too. My editing blog is once a week. Unlike you, I had the disadvantage of starting from no followers. Slowly as I became faithful to post regularly and as I prayed for God to bring the readers He wanted, it's built a steady following.

    Maybe set some goals on a trial basis and see if you can blog on certain days and write on the others.

    I'll be praying.


  4. A read a book called "The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien" which, as you might guess, is letters he wrote to people (mostly family) throughout his life. In one of them, he tells of all his ambitious plans for Middle Earth stories but how little time he has to devote to them. He's a professor, a husband, a father, etc. In spite of the frustration, he was still content with the importance of the other things that really do take priority over our subcreations like Middle Earth. My point in telling you this is that Tolkien still wrote letters, something that surely took time when he could be writing about hobbits, dwarves, and elves. All writing is "productive" writing, even if it isn't about your masterpiece.

  5. Thanks for the encouragement all. I was leaning toward Joseph's point at the end after considering this on my own. Writing in the blog is still learning to communicate in an interesting and concise way.

    Nicole and Becky - I'm thankful for your constant encouragement. Bless you both!

    Nissa - I know you've followed for a while. Thanks for "sticking" with me.

    Joseph - As far as I know you're new, and I appreciate you taking the time to post such encouragement. Tolkien again is a great example.

    Again, thanks to all of you!
