Friday, August 19, 2011

Recent Writing Links

Quiet week on the blog front. I've been busy the last three weeks with family, vacation, a medical conference (always good fodder for story ideas), and this weekend a family camp for church. To make up for a lack of content, I present the articles I've been able to read that have helped me in the last week or two.

Kristen Lamb is a major encourager for writers, and she helps put self-discipline in context.

My friend Nicole helpfully pointed out this post, which gives tips for helping family understand the quirky needs of a writer (and if all else fails, there's always the flamethrower).

I've heard Scrivener talked up as a great writing program, but it has only been available for Mac. Now there is a beta version for Windows us PC users can check out.

Even the seat of the pants writers need structure at some point.

Finally, my friend Athena Grayson has a simple but effective exercise to help us writers "find the time".

If you find any of these links particularly helpful, please let me know!

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