Wednesday, January 23, 2013

CSFF Tour - Angel Eyes Day 3

Today's our wrap-up day for the excellent supernatural debut of Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore.

I introduced the book on Monday and Tuesday did a quasi-review while doing a compare/contrast with the Twilight books to which Shannon's book has been compared. I planned to do my review today, but I jumped the gun yesterday.

So I'm going to do something I'm usually loathe to do.

Angel Eyes is about the teen Brielle learning about a wider world and her special gift that is both a blessing and something that makes her a target. However, there is a sub-plot in the book that touches on an issue near to my heart. I don't like to give spoilers, but here is a minor one: Brielle and Jake stumble upon a human trafficking ring.

The tragedy of human trafficking is coming up more often than ever in fiction. I am very glad for this, since it is such a horror and needs to be defeated. In my own work in progress it is an integral part of the story. I wish I would have finished it sooner, but I'll get there someday. Whereas my story is set in Southeast Asia, Shannon keeps hers in the Pacific Northwest.

Guess what? Human trafficking exists all over. It is in the States, not just an overseas problem.

If a story can bring awareness to a terrible crime like human trafficking and still be entertaining, it is a powerful tool. Shannon's done that here, and I'm very appreciative of her book. Not just because of the enjoyment factor, which I definitely enjoyed it, but because the more light that is shown on the darkness of modern-day slavery, the more it will retreat.

There are many fine organizations who are doing specific things to battle human trafficking, some that I've linked to in the sidebar to the right. Shannon offers up Chabdai at the end of Angel Wings, so I'll point you there as well for more information. Please take a few minutes to become informed about this if you haven't already.

Shannon has won a major fan here. I'll be excited to read her next book, Broken Wings, which comes out next month. My preferred genre isn't YA romance (even with the supernatural twist) and I'm focusing on reading suspense nowadays for my own writing, but I'll make an exception here.

That's all I have for this fine book and interesting tour. As always, Becky Miller keeps tabs of all of the participants on her blog. Check them out.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest opinion. So there.

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