Why the 27th?

For starters, best estimates of the number of slaves right now is 27 million.
That is 27 million people that don't have the freedom to come and go as they please. People that live under fear and coercion, who suffer violence or the threat of violence daily.
They may be child sex slaves in southeast Asia or eastern Europe. It might be a family stuck in bonded labor in India, trapped on a brick kiln. It could even be an immigrant held against their will in the United States.
I've long advocated for the fight against modern slavery. It breaks my heart to know that their are people caught in such a horrible web. It hides in the dark, so it takes a lot of people shining the light to help expose it.
Please take a moment today to educate yourself a little on this issue. In my sidebar on the right I have listed several organizations that work in the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery.
Twitter is a great place to find organizations that fight this. Some that I know about are:
@IJM - International Justice Mission
@NFS - Not For Sale
@AgapeIntMission - Agape International Missions
@ECPAT - ECPAT International
@F2W - Free2Work
@CNNFreedom - CNN Freedom Project

Most of all, pray for the victims. Pray for those on the front lines of the fight. Pray for justice from the God of justice.
We can make a difference!
Let's do it.