In continuing to highlight
Wedgewood Grey, the latest book from
John Aubrey Anderson, he was gracious enough to give an interview to some young'n' blogging up in Idaho.
As his bio says, he was an airline pilot for many years. Doesn't he just look like one here?
Either tomorrow or Saturday I want to post a couple of snippets from both of his books and talk a little about why the particular sections seemed to work, in my opinion. Please check back and add your comments to the discussion! And now, Mr. Anderson please:
1. How long did it take for the story of the Black or White Chronicles to formulate in your head? What was the process for putting it on the page?There is no reason why anyone should believe this, but tracking the process behind the writing of these stories could not have been done with a Cray computer. But . . . My first and only effort regarding fiction was a two thousand word story I did for our girls twenty years ago . . . a little thing about choices.
In 1997, I pulled that little story out with plans to wrap it around the gospel. I had in mind using it as an evangelistic tool with a non-Christian friend of ours. I found myself "backstorying" in an effort to "set up" my little scene from the short story. Then, in November of 2002, I woke up to find myself surrounded by two or three hundred thousand words. . .and questions about how to get a novel published.
2. Are there any writing tips that you found valuable in writing WG and AD?Absolutely. Go to a writers' conference and learn how to get yourstory organized before you start.
And on a more serious note: Think less of being a writer and more of writing. From a time standpoint, this is the most demanding job I've ever job I've ever had; one person said, "It's like having homework for the rest of your life."
A writer does not have time to plan for future fame . . . he/she has to be writing and rewriting.
3. Are there any plans for a project after the release of Book 3 in The Black or White Chronicles?God willing, this series will run for six books. After that I'd like to do a devotional book for men. Following the devotional . . . I just can't say.
4. What type of feedback have you heard from readers regardingspiritual issues in the book?What I've heard has been interesting to say the least. Mostly, I hear from readers who have encountered setbacks that were, in their eyes, obviously demonic in origin . . . usually having to do with interpersonal relationships.
5. What has been your favorite "author moment" so far in your career?I went to my first-ever writers' conference, with my first-everproposal, and made an appointment with my first-ever editor. I was carrying a 3-by-5 card and a cup of coffee when I arrived for our talk.
When I sat down, he smiled and said, "Brother, you're way too laid back."
I smiled back and told him what we both knew. "I'm not in charge of whether or not this book gets published, and frankly, neither are you. I just came to this conference hoping to trim the odds against me down to about ten-thousand to one."
He said, "Well, I've read your stuff, and you're sitting on about fifty-fifty."
THE BLACK OR WHITE CHRONICLES were born right then, right there.
I had heard the words I needed to hear, and I was ready to go home. For the next three days of the conference, at each meal, I had to restrain myself from grabbing the PA away from the conference host and yelling, "Would y'all please vote me off this island."